Interview: Jerome Mage from Jacques Marie Mage Eyewear

Tareq catches up with Jerome Mage, visionary designer, eyewear revolutionary, and Jacques Marie Mage's founder...
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Deeply inspired by the creative spirit of Dennis Hopper, Jacques Marie Mage has partnered with Hopper Goods to create a limited-edition collection of eyewear named Taos, after the place where the late great actor and artist lived and is buried. These unique rectangular frames are informed by the idealism and decadence of the 60s, and are as suitable for the spiritual thrill-seeker as they are for the secular sophisticate.
Find out more about Taos, New Mexico, the town that inspired the sunglasses and where Dennis Hopper is buried. Read The Road to Taos: Freedom, sunglasses, and Dennis Hopper.
If you like the look of these frames, it might be worth checking out our full collection of oversized glasses and sunglasses.